Kaitlynn Papalambros is a leader in the field of Personal Development. With over 5 years of experience she can help you get the life you want, fast!
Hi, my name is Kaitlynn Papalambros CCHt, SCS. I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Certified Success Coach specializing in Leadership.
With my extensive training and experience, I can help you overcome your obstacles and reach your goals, easily and effortlessly.
Please feel free to call me and book a complimentary consultation. We can explore the available options and design a plan for your future.
Kaitlynn Papalambros is board certified in the following areas: Clinical Hypnotherapist and Success Coach.
Kaitlynn Papalambros is board certified through an independent review board at the International Board of Clinical Practitioners, member number 11261. You can call the IBCP at 888-731-8376 to verify their credentials.
Board Certified Life Coach, Success Coach and Hypnotherapist
Hi, my name is Kaitlynn Papalambros. I'm the founder of Luxe Empowerment LLC, where I help empower people to transform their lives. Throughout my years of coaching I've helped clients craft strategies to achieve what each client defines as success and and have narrowed my focus towards the significant development and strengthening of leadership skills.
I am a certified hypnotist and success coach through Transform Destiny and I am a member of the International Board of Coaches and Practitioners. I specialize in how to empower and transform individuals into great leaders. It wasn't always that way though...
All my life I've had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Every opportunity that came my way to improve any area of my life I made sure to seize and conquer. One thing I've always wanted since I was a child was to consider myself successful in all aspects of life. I wanted to come out on top and refused to settle for anything less. Having spent over a decade enrolled in martial arts I thought discipline was the key factor to success. As long as I remained disciplined I thought I would be able to achieve whatever I needed to, in order to excel in life. However, as I got older I realized that wasn't enough. I needed direction and it became clear to me that discipline coupled with the proper leadership was the key to success I was seeking.
This was when my interest really peaked and I decided to gather as much knowledge as I possibly could on what makes a great leader. I read every book I could find on personal development and leadership and as I implemented the learnings into real world knowledge and experience, I began to see a dramatic difference in my daily interactions. As I got older and entered new phases of my life, I found the greater the need for significant leadership skills. It was through the discipline of martial arts that helped shaped me into the person I knew I had to become to ensure that I would fully carry out my ability to lead.
A short few years later when I started my first job all the teachings I had previously learned helped me rapidly grow and work my way up the corporate ladder. Every job I had afterwards, I quickly worked my way up to positions requiring larger amounts of responsibility and accountability. I've worked for large corporations, family, and single owned businesses and it dawned on me that there was always one common denominator that played an important factor towards the success of the business and that was leadership.
With poor leadership the potential to grow is unsurmountable but with great leadership the potential growth is endless.